
Royalpark Homes

Social Media

Traditional Builder, Traditional Values






Social Media Branding
Social Media Management

Project Overview

Royalpark Homes approached us with a desire to increase the leverage of their social media presence.

They hoped to use their platforms to communicate development launches to their following, establish a consistent look and feel across their platforms, and produce more engaging (video/animated) content.


Royalpark Homes occupies a unique position in the Toronto/GTA development market as a medium-sized developer with deep community recognition.

Known for being a traditional, trustworthy, and reliable high-quality builder, their brand has a strong foundation built over 40 years. However, their digital marketing and branding efforts on their primary brand had been minimal, and they hoped to implement a more regular posting schedule.


We undertook a comprehensive analysis of their existing social media presence and branding.

Our solution included creating a cohesive visual identity for all social media platforms, ensuring consistency in colors, typography, and imagery. We developed a content calendar to establish a regular posting schedule, featuring a mix of project updates, customer testimonials, and behind-the-scenes content to engage their audience and highlight their expertise and quality.


Social Media Management & Posting 3 times/week

The regular posting schedule increased engagement with their audience and helped to reinforce their reputation as a reliable and high-quality builder. The cohesive look and feel across their social media platforms enhanced brand recognition and trust, ultimately supporting their market position and growth.